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Entries for September 2023

Major Conservation Alliance Launches "More Trees, Fewer Cows" Initiative to safeguard the biological and cultural diversity of Mesoamerica

Views: 921
Major Conservation Alliance Launches "More Trees, Fewer Cows" Initiative to safeguard the biological and cultural diversity of Mesoamerica
(September 20, 2023)   -   In a joint effort to safeguard the biological and cultural diversity of the Mesoamerican region, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Re:wild, and the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB) announced the "More Trees, Fewer Cows" initiative during Climate Week New York. This unprecedented alliance aims to raise awareness and take strong action against illegal cattle ranching activities in Indigenous territories and protected areas.


Agricultural burns, wildfires, and air quality in Mesoamerica. International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

Views: 937
Agricultural burns, wildfires, and air quality in Mesoamerica. International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
(September 07, 2023)   -   In the context of the International Clean Air Day for blue skies, whose theme this year is "Together for Clean Air," it is crucial to recognize how climatological phenomena like El Niño can exacerbate the issue of forest fires in Mesoamerica and their effects on the 5 Great Forests.