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Entries for July 2024

World Ranger Day in Mesoamerica. Guardians on the Frontline of Conservation

Views: 1583
World Ranger Day in Mesoamerica. Guardians on the Frontline of Conservation
(July 31, 2024) Text by the WCS Mesoamerica and the Caribbean team (Guatemala, Belize and Honduras-Nicaragua) Park ranger, forest ranger, ranger…these are some of the names given to those who watch over protected natural areas. Both in terrestrial and aquatic, as well as marine ecosystems, rangers often face complex situations and extreme weather conditions; cold, heat, rains, hurricanes, and floods, to name just a few.  They play a crucial role in preventing the expansion of illegal cattle ranch...


Biodiverse Landscapes Fund Launches in Belize

Views: 2017
Biodiverse Landscapes Fund Launches in Belize
(July 18, 2024)   -   On 18th July, the UK Government in collaboration with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, through the Belize Forest Department and partner organisations, celebrated the in-country launch of the project “Resilient and Biodiverse Landscapes of Northern Mesoamerica” funded through the Biodiverse Landscape Fund.