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Entries for December 2018

The "Hairy Canary" in the Coal Mine: A New Report Finds that White-Lipped Peccaries have been Eliminated from 87 Percent of their Historical Range

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The "Hairy Canary" in the Coal Mine: A New Report Finds that White-Lipped Peccaries have been Eliminated from 87 Percent of their Historical Range
(December 18, 2018)   Experts declare that urgent action is required to avoid its extinction from Mesoamerica Results increase concerns that the region’s remaining wildlife is at a tipping point Download report here Download Spanish version of news release here   CREDIT: Apolinar Basora NEW YORK , N.Y. |  DECEMBER 18, 2018 - A new study by WCS, El Colegio de Frontera Sur, Washington State University and other key regional partners has found that t...