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Entries for October 2023

Wildland fire management enhances wildlife connectivity

Views: 1951
Wildland fire management enhances wildlife connectivity
(October 30, 2023)   -   The Maya Forest Corridor (MFC) in Belize faces a significant threat: wildfires. These fires, often triggered by human activities, can have devastating consequences for communities and biodiversity. During the 2023 fire season, which ran from February to June, a high level of fire activity was observed throughout the MFC. Our team diligently monitored this situation and identified a total of 29 individual fires that created four significant wildfire hotspots. 


Population Growth of the ‘Hicatee’ Turtle at Cox Lagoon in the Maya Forest Corridor

Views: 1145
Population Growth of the ‘Hicatee’ Turtle at Cox Lagoon in the Maya Forest Corridor
(October 27, 2023)   -   The Hicatee population Cox Lagoon in the Maya Forest Corridor in Belize continues to exist! This, even though unsustainable hunting and habitat loss have resulted in the elimination of hicatees in majority of its range, which include certain Atlantic drainages of Guatemala, southern Mexico and throughout Belize..