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Entries for January 2024

Mahogany Heights Village Council and WCS Belize Sign Community Conservation Agreement

Views: 1350
Mahogany Heights Village Council and WCS Belize Sign Community Conservation Agreement
(January 19, 2024) January 4, 2024    WCS Belize and Mahogany Heights Village Council officially joined forces by signing a community conservation agreement, which marks a significant step towards community development and the preservation of Belize's natural resources.     The agreement signals our support for sustainable initiatives that will see educational enhancement with installation of ceiling fans in the primary school and nutrition improvement through building of a new vege...


Preparing for the imminent El Niño

Views: 1036
Preparing for the imminent El Niño
(January 09, 2024)   -   Due to an unprecedented El Niño event combined with the impacts of climate change, the planet is experiencing never before seen climate anomalies, with global air and sea surface temperatures pushing far higher than ever recorded. This global phenomenon is impacting some areas more severely than others, and Mesoamerica’s forests, wildlife and people are likely to be  hit especially hard during the next 6-12 months.