Star Coral

WCS monitors Star Coral at Glover's Reef in order to understand the overall health of the atoll's coral reef community. Coral is critical to the maintenance of local biodiversity, and the reef is one of the two key marine ecosystems within the protected area. Coral reefs are one of most diverse ecosystems on the planet, essential to the viability of the majority of fish and marine invertebrates living on the reef, providing basic structure for shelter, foraging, and reproduction. Coral reefs are also one of the more important tourism attractions in Belize. Star coral referred habitat includes: dense patch reef, forereef with dense massive and encrusting corals, and low relief spur and grove.  It is also found in diffuse patch reef, forereef with sparse massive and encrusting corals, deep reef/ wall/escarpment, reef channels, and less commonly found in the reef crest. Specific threats include coral bleaching; coral diseases; anchor damage / diver and snorkeler damage; and run-off, sewage, dredging and oil pollution.